Humboldt County California Coastal Trail Implementation Strategy
The Humboldt County Coastal Trail Implementation Strategy was a collaborative effort to plan a continuous public right-of-way for the CCT for non-motorized users along the Humboldt County coast – funded by the California State Coastal Conservancy and led by the Natural Resources Services Division of Redwood Community Action Agency (NRS). The Humboldt County Coastal Trail Implementation Strategy team has coordinated with agencies, tribes, municipalities, interest groups, and the public to provide recommendations for CCT routes and guidance to jurisdictions and organizations to complete this network of coastal trails and routes through Humboldt County. This final Humboldt County Coastal Trail Implementation Strategy serves as a guiding document and reference for further development of the CCT through Humboldt County. This Implementation Strategy includes tools and resources to assist jurisdictions in bringing individual segments of the Humboldt CCT to fruition in a coordinated manner.