Downtown Willow Creek Walkability Study

Project Dates: 
Funding Organizations: 
Humboldt County Measure Z Funding
Cooperating Agencies: 
Mountain Community & Culture (MCC), Humboldt County Public Works

Pedestrian safety concerns in downtown Willow Creek led to the non-profit Mountain Community & Culture's application to Humboldt County's Measure Z funding program to assess pedestrian safety and walkability/mobility in the downtown Willow Creek area. Measure Z, passed by voters to support public safety throughout unincorporated Humboldt County, funded a community walk, observation and workshop led by RCAA in February 2018 in Willow Creek. After the workshop, a Walkability Study Report was created along with recommendations to assist Humboldt County Public Works in implementing pedestrian improvements in Willow Creek. The project has provided residents and businesses the ability to share their concerns and ideas for improving walkability in downtown Willow Creek, prioritize areas for physical improvements, develop education and encouragement strategies, and explore opportunities for a Willow Creek Trails group to expand and connect the trail system in Willow Creek. The MCC plans to apply for Rural Transportation and Access Partnership (RTAP) assistance, as well as additional Measure Z funds to implement short term improvements in 2018.