Spartina densiflora ('spartina') removal in the Humboldt Bay region is a collaborative effort across many agencies and organizations.
Revegetation and Invasive Plant Control
NRS works to enhance and restore healthy watersheds through native plant revegetation and invasive plant removal. NRS has developed and implemented revegetation plans for estuary, salt marsh, riparian, and upslope habitats for mitigation and restoration projects. NRS works with the Humboldt Weed Management Area (HWMA) to identify and secure funding to treat invasive weeds in Humboldt County. NRS has worked with Six Rivers National Forest for the last five years to inventory and treat invasive species in the Lower Trinity and Mad River Ranger Districts.
Related Projects
The North Fork Wilderness (NFW) is located in North Fork Eel Watershed in the Mad River Ranger District. The NFW and surrounding roads were field surveyed for invasive weeds with species name, loc
The Mount Lassic Wilderness (MLW) is located in Van Duzen Watershed in the Mad River Ranger District. The MLW and surrounding roads were field surveyed for invasive weeds with species name, locati