Arcata Elementary Active Transportation Program (ATP) Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Project
The City of Arcata received an Active Transportation Program Cycle 2 grant to address the need for safety improvements at Arcata Elementary School. The City installed infrastructure improvements in 2019 at and near the school and RCAA administered an education and encouragement program to expand the network of opportunities for multi-modal transportation and improve the safety, mobility, and number of people walking and bicycling within the city limits. Classroom lessons on pedestrian and bicycle safety along with support for Walk to School Day events provided opportunities for students and parents/caregivers to learn and practice safe skills. An evaluation component in collaboration with Humboldt State University's Kinesiology Department created a unique opportunity for HSU students to be involved in a local community project by providing staffing for pre and post construction pedestrian and bicycle counts. A Walking Map with recommended routes was also developed in conjunction with Arcata Elementary School PTO to provide another tool to promote active transportation to and from school.