Watershed Planning, Assessment, and Restoration

NRS' Watershed Program works with diverse stakeholders in California’s north coast region (such as landowners, government agencies, municipalities, Tribes, community services districts, utility providers, for-profit businesses, land trusts, and other non-profit organizations and community groups) to find common solutions to ecosystem degradation, water quality, and salmonid habitat problems while balancing socio-economic needs and environmental quality. We collaborate with stakeholders to assess physical and biological conditions, landowner objectives, and resource agency requirements to plan and implement on-the-ground restoration and enhancement to: 1) re-establish natural watershed processes and critical habitat for fish and wildlife; 2) provide employment and training opportunities in watershed restoration; 3) provide information to the watershed stakeholders about the value of natural habitats and the need to enhance and restore them; and 4) work with local government agencies to develop programs to educate the public about non-point source pollution regulations and assist with implementation of pollution reduction projects.