(707) 269-2058 • RCAA/NRS 904 G St. Eureka, CA 95501
Lake Earl Wildlife Area: Interpretive Signage
Project Dates:
2013 to 2014
Project Leads
Funding Organizations:
State of California Wildlife Conservation Board, administered by Smith River Alliance

Interpretive kiosks and signs were installed in the Lake Earl Wildlife Area in Del Norte County, California.
This project entailed research, development and installation of eight interpretive signs, all housed in state-of-the-art kiosk structures except for two smaller trailside signs. RCAA worked extensively with Tolowa Dunes Stewards and Smith River Alliance, in addition to Department of Fish and Wildlife and Tolowa Deeni’ tribal members in the development of site-appropriate natural and cultural history text and images. Interpretive topics included: estuarine lagoon ecology, Tolowa Deeni’ way of life, coastal dune ponds, bird species, biodiversity, land stewardship and coastal cutthroat trout.