(707) 269-2058 • RCAA/NRS 904 G St. Eureka, CA 95501
Wood Creek Tidal Marsh Enhancement Project
Project Dates:
2006 to 2010
Funding Organizations:
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
The Wood Creek Tidal Marsh Enhancement Project (the project) is located in Humboldt County, on the northern coast of California in the Freshwater Creek drainage of the Humboldt Bay watershed. The property on which the project is located is owned by the Northcoast Regional Land Trust (NRLT). The Natural Resources Services (NRS) division of the Redwood Community Action Agency (RCAA) worked in cooperation with NRLT in coordinating the design, planning, and implementation phases of the project.
The project's objectives included:
- partial restoration of tidal processes (muted tide)
- providing improved fish access to Wood Creek
- increase estuarine rearing habitat for juvenile salmonids
- provide winter high-flow refugia and winter/ spring rearing habitat for salmonids
- improve habitat to support tidewater goby
- revegetate the tidal marsh using active and passive techniques
- provide enhanced habitat for other fish and wildlife